
Account info

  • Account typeSkiller
  • Original owneryes
  • EmailRegistered
  • Does It Come With That Emailyes
  • Bansno
  • Registered with Jagex Launcherno
  • Quest points33
  • Pets2







Full graceful

Full prospected set

Full Angler

Builder's set

Colossal Pouch

Gem Bag

Farming cape

Prayer cape

Construction cape

Abyssal lantern

Gotr robe set

Gricoller's can


Lost city, plague city, bone voyage

Notable Achievements / Diaries

Reason For Selling

Recently made myself an ironman skiller and enjoying this more.

Account Description

Prayer pure with some great 99s which are useful for teleports. Also high lvl runecrafting so able to afk moneymaking. 4604 spirit flakes, 130 mark of grace, golden prospector outfit and celestial ring. Also have plank sack

The Process

If you are not in the Facebook group already, Join here

After payment, Joel will create a Facebook group chat with you and the seller.(Always confirm Joel's blue checkmark) (Group chats can take up to 12 hours to be created)

1.Confirm a time that best works with all parties.

2.The middleman will log in to confirm the account.

3.Change the email, password, and all other security information. Start Scaping! Account trades are usually completed within 24 hours of purchase.

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